We handle all the procedures necessary for exporting wagyu. Wagyu export involves a very high-level procedure compared to general export. It includes confirmation of slaughterhouse, health certificate, certificate of origin, animal quarantine, temperature control, wagyu insurance arrangement, etc. We of course provide support to customers purchasing our products, but we also accept orders for export agency services only. English and Chinese support is also available.
Export agency procedures
- 〇 Logistics coordination
- 〇 Insurance confirmation and procedures
- 〇 Inquiries to local consignees
- 〇 Confirmation of shipping schedule
- 〇 Flight schedule
- 〇 Prior confirmation of products being exported
- 〇 Product pick-up procedure
- 〇 Confirmation and creation of various documents
(Invoice, packing list, certificate of origin, animal quarantine, health certificate, etc.) - 〇 Customs clearance instructions
- 〇 B/L and AWB obtainment
- 〇 Mailing of related documents after export
If you have any of the following needs, please contact us.
- □You would like someone to handle the wholesale to export process together.
- □You would like someone to act as a wagyu auction agent and handle the export process.
- □You have secured a wagyu procurement route in Japan and are in need of only an export agency business.
- □You operate a ranch in Japan and have received requests from overseas clients to export wagyu.
- □You are in need of an export agency service because a purchase has been made from a Japanese ranch/meat company at an overseas corporation.
- □You are in need of an export agency service because you cannot speak a certain foreign language (English, Chinese, Japanese).

We can also handle any other matters related to wagyu export.
*Export agency service is limited to transactions for which the recipient has been confirmed, and we are not responsible for fundamental product quality complaints, etc. of export agency-only requests.